The Internet of Humans

Proof of Humanity is a system designed to create a trusted list of humans verified by a decentralized community.

Built bykleros

Use Cases

  • Human DAOHuman DAO
  • Quadratic FundingQuadratic Funding
  • CertificationsCertifications
  • Social Key RecoverySocial Key Recovery
  • Self-Sovereign IdentitiesSelf-Sovereign Identities
  • Credit ScoringCredit Scoring
  • Fair AirdropsFair Airdrops
  • Antispam ToolsAntispam Tools

Your Digital Identity

Digital Government IDs

pros Pros

Simple and easy to scale.

cons Cons

Vulnerable to rogue nation states duplicating or censoring identities.

Reverse Turing Tests

pros Pros

Decentralized and still fairly simple.

cons Cons

Requires all users to meet at the same time and is vulnerable to AI.

Social Graph Analysis

pros Pros

Decentralized and easy to scale.

cons Cons

Very complex and vulnerable to advances in AI.

Proof of Humanity

pros Pros

Decentralized, AI-resistant, and economically incentivized.

cons Cons

More complex.

Introducing Two Exciting New Features

Soulbound ID

Soulbound IDs are unique, non-transferable identifiers that link each human to a single ID (Humanity ID), ensuring the authenticity and permanence of their digital identity. This feature allows users to recover their reputation and assets even if they lose access to their original wallet, enhancing security and reliability.

Multi-chain Expansion

Multi-chain expansion allows the system to operate across multiple blockchain networks, including Gnosis Chain, enhancing accessibility and interoperability. This feature enables users to maintain and transfer their verified identity across different chains, ensuring a seamless and versatile digital experience.

How It Works

Create Your Profile

Create Your Profile

Join the growing list of verified humans. Register now and claim your online identity!

Vouch For People You Know

Vouch For People You Know

Verified humans in the registry can vouch for new registrants. By vouching, they confirm the new user's existence and ensure they are not a bot or duplicate.

Challenge Suspicious Users

Challenge Suspicious Users

Challenge any pending submissions you believe don't meet the requirements. Challenged profiles will open a dispute in the Kleros Humanity Court.

Proof of HumanityLearn More

Our Growing Ecosystem

Proof of Humanity

Claim Your Humanity

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